Battaglia di Waterloo - 1815è un 16.1 km(23.000-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Waterloo, provincia del Brabante Vallone, Belgio.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 213 m ed è classificato con medio. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
This trail brings you back to the battle of Waterloo, also called battle of Mont St Jean if you’re French, or the battle of Belle Alliance if you’re German, which took place in June 1815.
Just some numbers: 200,000 soldiers, 35,000 horses, 500 canons were involved in this battle.
The trail starts at the parking lot and proceeds eastward to the Papelotte’s farm, passing through the village of Plancenoit were the prussians fought against the French. Proceeding to the last known headquarter from Napoleon. Finishing up by the Goumon’s farm protecting the western front of the battle.