Tea Trees
Itinéraires Chine Taiwan TaipeiDistrict de Nangang
Nangang Tea Mountain, Taipei

District de Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Chine

Nangang Tea Mountain, Taipei

Longueur5.9 km
Gain de Hauteur256 m


Vues panoramiques

Fleurs sauvages


Lieu calme

Pas d'ombre


Pente raide

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Détails de l'itinéraire
Nangang Tea Mountain, Taipei est un itinéraire 5.9 km (8 500pas) localisé près de District de Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Chine. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 256 m et est classé difficile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
With the changes in society, the area of ​​tea trees planted in the suburbs of Taipei is getting smaller and smaller. Nangang Tea Mountain is one of the few. We got off at the Jiuzhang and walked along the industrial road to the mountains. Some sections have steep slopes and are relatively difficult. Fortunately, along the road, Dakeng Creek has small waterfalls and egrets to enjoy. About 5 kilometers, come to the Guihua Suspension Bridge, which is one of today's main attractions. Finally, we came to Chen’s Tea Garden and chatted with Mr. Chen, the garden owner, and ended the journey today.
Détails de l'itinéraire


5.9 km

Gain de Hauteur

256 m


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