Itinéraires Suisse canton d'ArgovieRheinfelden
Autre salin

Rheinfelden, canton d'Argovie, Suisse

Autre salin

Longueur5.7 km
Gain de Hauteur48 m



Vues panoramiques

Fleurs sauvages

Promenade urbaine

Lieu calme


Sur route

Hors sentier

Créé par Wanderer
Détails de l'itinéraire
Autre salin est un itinéraire 5.7 km (8 000pas) localisé près de Rheinfelden, canton d'Argovie, Suisse. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 48 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
This is a round trip around the Alte Saline. The trail starts and ends on the same road. At first the trail goes through the forest and then leads to a housing area. After that the path enters the forest again and runs along the Rhine river. There are many ‘view points’ with chairs where you can sit and enjoy the view. The first part of the hike not suitable for strollers/wheel chairs. But an alternate parallel trail which is suitable for strollers and wheel chair runs along the trail. After 2 kms the path reaches an open area where you walk around the Saline Riburg and reaches another trail in the same forest again. The walk is almost easy and flat with no obstacles along the route. But a small portion of the trail is on a road without pedestrians way and need to be walked carefully. It is very quiet and calm in the forest but the grassland around the Saline is quite windy and thus noisy.
Détails de l'itinéraire


5.7 km

Gain de Hauteur

48 m


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