Itinéraires Pays-Bas LimbourgVenray
Venray - Boschuizen - Oostrum

Venray, Limbourg, Pays-Bas

Venray - Boschuizen - Oostrum

Longueur6.3 km
Gain de Hauteur19 m


Vues panoramiques

Fleurs sauvages

Promenade urbaine

Lieu calme

Vie sauvage


Créé par Roan
Détails de l'itinéraire
Venray - Boschuizen - Oostrum est un itinéraire 6.3 km (9 000pas) localisé près de Venray, Limbourg, Pays-Bas. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 19 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
This is a very nice route to walk, it has changing landscapes and beautiful views. The route is more than 6 kilometers, this makes it a good workout. Directions: - Go north north east and follow the path up. - Walk 120 meters and turn right - Walk 480 meters, then turn right into the forest. - Walk 130 meters and follow the path to the left. - Walk 300 meters, then turn right. - Walk 280 meters, then turn right. - Walk 150 meters, then go left. - Follow this road for 450 meters and turn right after the railway crossing. - Walk 640 meters, then go left. - Walk 340 meters, turn right at the end of the path. - Walk 170 meters, make a slight turn to the right. - Walk 130 meters, then turn right - Walk 400 meters and turn left at the end of the road. - Walk 180 meters, then turn right and cross at the railway crossing. - Walk 830 meters, then turn right. - Walk 1.2 kilometers, then go left. - Walk 270 meters, then go left. - Walk 120 meters, then you are back at the starting point.
Détails de l'itinéraire


6.3 km

Gain de Hauteur

19 m


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