Sentier Upper Two Medicine Lake est un itinéraire 18 km (26 000pas) localisé près de East Glacier Park Village, Montana, Etats-Unis. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 365 m et est classé difficile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
Start just south of a historic lodge, going along the south shore of Two Medicine Lake through beautiful alpine forests, with vistas of the mountains to your right. Take a short diversion up to the pretty Aster Falls if you want. Continue up the trail through forest and meadows until you reach the beautiful Upper Two Medicine Lake, framed by towering mountains. There’s a nice rocky shore to relax on. Return the way you came or along the north side of Two Medicine Lake for a slightly shorter (but less interesting) return trip, arriving at the campground near the chalet. Keep your eyes out for wildlife including moose and bears.