Marcher à Timbergate est un itinéraire 1.4 km (2 000pas) localisé près de Ocala, Floride, Etats-Unis. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 5 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
Timbergate neighborhood in Oak Run is located on SE 110th Street in Ocala. This route is roughly three quarters of a mile in a quiet neighborhood. The streets are level which makes this route good for strollers and wheelchairs. The area is well used by walkers and dog walkers. The streets are well lit for early morning and evening walks. I like to go one direction then back to make it 1.5 miles. If you need parking it can be found across SW 110th Street.