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Audubon Newhall Preserve walking route map in Hilton Head Island, Caroline du Sud, Etats-Unis
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walking near me on Audubon Newhall Preserve walking route
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Audubon Newhall Preserve
Hilton Head Island, Caroline du Sud, Etats-Unis

Audubon Newhall Preserve

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Longueur1 km
Gain de Hauteur4 m
Accessible en fauteuil roulant
Adapté aux poussettes
Adapté aux enfants
Vues panoramiques
Site historique
Lac ou Rivière
Créé par angeles

Détails de l'itinéraire

Audubon Newhall Preserve est un itinéraire 1 km (1 500pas) localisé près de Hilton Head Island, Caroline du Sud, Etats-Unis. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 4 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
The preserve was established in 1965 after Caroline Newhall persuaded Sea Pines developer Charles Fraser to protect 50 acres of land from development. The restoration of a 14-foot deep pond in the middle of the property created the focal point for the preserve and a habitat for a richer, more diverse plant and wildlife population. Visitors can pick up a trail guide at a kiosk near the parking area. From here, you'll set off on the Newhall Trail, walking through a woodland ecosystem known as Pine/Saw Palmetto Flatwoods. This rare South Carolina plant community features four species of pine, saw palmetto, fetterbush and bracken fern. At the end of the trail you'll come to a boardwalk off to your right. It takes you to a pecosin, a small wetland once common on barrier islands. When you emerge from the loop, you'll be on the Pond Trail. We start our walk and go straight to the pond. To the right is the Boardwalk, which we surround and continue towards the Pine Flatwoods area. We continue along the pond to enter and cross the South and North Woods Trail areas. Finally we arrive at the Branch Wood Trail area that gives us the end of the walk, to Newhall Trail. It is a relaxing walk through nature, short and for any condition. Wheelchairs can do it, taking into account that it is a nature trail. It's free. There is no water or baths and you feel the presence of insects. If it has rained before you will find parts of the muddy path. 88 Palmetto Bay Rd, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

Liste de repères


Repère 1

Parking lot

Repère 2

Here on the right is a box with the trail information

Repère 3

We continue straight, until we find the pond.

Repère 4

The Boardwalk

Repère 5

The pond, a quiet place with seating and nice views.

Repère 6

Area Pine Flatwoods

Repère 7

We cross and continue.

Repère 8

Area North Woods Trail

Repère 9

Area Branch Wood Trail And last part of our walk gives us the exit to the Newhall Trail



Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Détails de l'itinéraire

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1 km
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Gain de Hauteur

4 m
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Creator Avator
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