Itinéraires Etats-Unis Caroline du SudSaint-Helena Island
Sentier de promenade des marais

Saint-Helena Island, Caroline du Sud, Etats-Unis

Sentier de promenade des marais

Longueur0.5 km
Gain de Hauteur1 m


Pas de réseau




Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Adapté aux poussettes

Adapté aux enfants

Vues panoramiques

Site historique


Lac ou Rivière

Créé par angeles
Détails de l'itinéraire
Sentier de promenade des marais est un itinéraire 0.5 km (500pas) localisé près de Saint-Helena Island, Caroline du Sud, Etats-Unis. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 1 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
From the Marsh Boardwalk parking lot, follow the sidewalk and wooden pathway to the entrance of the boardwalk. When you arrive under the covered pavilion area, you are presented with a panoramic view of the marsh. Among the vegetation, you will find green tree frogs well hidden and held tightly. You see species of dragonflies, damselflies and butterflies running through the water in search of food, a good place to lay their eggs. Throughout the year, you will see white-tailed deer near the water, fish that are thrown into the water, birds that fly above the water and others that use the water to find food below the surface. It is in this place where you can see a bald eagle during the winter months or an elusive woodpecker throughout the year. P.S Due to some problems with the internet connection, this route starts at the end of the route and not from the parking lot, although it must be taken into account that it is only one way.
Liste de repères


Repère 1

Repère 2

An example of what we see at the end of this route.

Repère 3

This is the final section, until you reach the viewpoint.

Repère 4

We continue along the Boardwalk, until we leave the wooden walk to continue along the forest path.

Repère 5

First view to the right of the marsh from the wooden path


Détails de l'itinéraire


0.5 km

Gain de Hauteur

1 m


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