Itinéraires ÉcosseÉdimbourg
The Meadows @ Edinburgh 🌳🌾🍂🌱🌲

Édimbourg, Écosse

The Meadows @ Edinburgh 🌳🌾🍂🌱🌲

Longueur3.1 km
Gain de Hauteur5 m


Transport public


Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Adapté aux poussettes

Adapté aux enfants

Adapté aux promenades de chien

Vues panoramiques

Créé par 🌷Ava🌷
Détails de l'itinéraire
The Meadows @ Edinburgh 🌳🌾🍂🌱🌲 est un itinéraire 3.1 km (4 500pas) localisé près de Édimbourg, Écosse. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 5 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
The Meadows is located at Melville Drive, south of Edinburgh near the city centre. It is one of the most important open spaces in Edinburgh. It is about 3 km if you go round the perimeter of the park. There are however tree lined paths criss crossing the park from one end to the other. The park used to be a large Loch long ago before it was converted to a park. It is now a large open grassland which has a children's playground, a croquet club, tennis courts and recreational sport pitches. there are plenty of benches and picnic tables by around the park. Large trees that give shelters on the main tracks and beautifully lined trees along the side paths.
Liste de repères


Repère 1

Start route round The Meadows via Lauriston Garden

Repère 2

The mansions just pass the start point.

Repère 3

Boys Brigade Walk ( one of the paths within The Meadow)

Repère 4

Tennis / Crickets cours

Repère 5

Towns women’s Guild Walk

Repère 6

Just before the tip of the meadow towards the end of the route


Détails de l'itinéraire


3.1 km

Gain de Hauteur

5 m


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