Morningside Heights le long du fleuve Hudson et Broadway
7 km
Gain de Hauteur
68 m
Transport public
Vues panoramiques
Site historique
Lac ou Rivière
Créé par Pacer🏃🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️ Dude
Détails de l'itinéraire
Morningside Heights le long du fleuve Hudson et Broadway est un itinéraire 7 km (10 000pas) localisé près de New York, État de New York, Etats-Unis. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 68 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
The one mile stretch of the Hudson River Greenway above 100th St. offers the closest proximity to the river, less than 10 feet above water level and a gradual 20 foot drop along huge rocks to the river.
To the West; it offers great views of the Hudson River with NJ on the other side.
To the North: the GW Bridge.
To the East: Riverside Park, with the spire of Riverside Church( the tallest church in NYC) towering above it.
After we exit the Greenway there is a long steep climb to Grant’s Tomb, the Riverside Church and then a short walk to and through a part of the Columbia University Campus.
Ending with a 0.8 mile walk along Broadway with access to three stops to the “1” subway line.