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Game You Summit walking route map in Hauula, Hawái, Estados Unidos
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walking near me on Game You Summit walking route
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Game You Summit
Hauula, Hawái, Estados Unidos

Game You Summit

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Longitud8.6 km
Aumento en Elevación934 m
Belleza del paisaje
Flores salvajes
Cubierto de malezas
Apartado del camino
Presencia de insectos
Cuesta empinada
Poca/ninguna señal celular
Creado por PacerCat

Detalles de la Ruta

Game You Summit es una ruta 8.6 km (de 12.000 pasos) ubicada cerca de Hauula, Hawái, Estados Unidos. Esta ruta tiene una elevación cercana a 934 m y tiene una calificación de difícil. Usted puede encontrar más rutas como esta en la aplicación Pacer.
One of the toughest trails on Oahu. It’s not very long in miles... But what it does not have in distance, it pays back in space with steep climbs, difficult and narrow footing, and major drop offs. If you are sure footed and ready for an amazing trek towards the Ko’olau; then this one is for you. Wear pants and long sleeves, as this trail will year at you if it is not recently cleared. So why do it? For a glimpse into the back end of Maakua Gulch; closed by the state due to massive rock falls similar to that at Sacred Falls. From above, one can see the closing in Gulch walls and is rewarded with the view of the multi-tiered falls at the back of the Gulch. When we were here this time, we heard the crashing and cracking sound of a landslide as we saw big boulders tumble down towards the base of the gulch. Luckily it was on the other side of the gulch... Fair warning, this is a hike only for those ready for the challenge.
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Detalles de la Ruta

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8.6 km
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Aumento en Elevación

934 m
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Creator Avator
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Pacer Walking App

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