Friday Harbor Warbass - SJI Gemeinschaftstheater ist eine 3.5 km (5.000-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Friday Harbor, Washington, Vereinigte Staaten. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 46 m und wird mit beginner bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
Finding a 2 mile path through Friday Harbor that isn’t full of tourists takes some creativity. Starting from Spring Street, this route passes the Brewery before turning up Nichols to Harrison. Returning on scenic Warbass Way to the ferry landing, circling the clock dock, and passing through Fairweather Park to the challenging six flights of stairs that lead back up to the Courthouse. Turning left to pass the SJI Community Theater and catch Blair Street back to Spring just two blocks north of your starting point.