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Doesn't it look like Aladdin's magic lamp?
It looks like a new fence. No more dangerous.😊
Routen Japan SendaiAoba-ku
Aladdins magischer Rampenwanderweg (Dainohara Forest Park, Sendai City, Präfektur Miyagi)

Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan

Aladdins magischer Rampenwanderweg (Dainohara Forest Park, Sendai City, Präfektur Miyagi)

Länge5.1 km
Elevation Erhören79 m


Öffentlicher Verkehr




Plätze zum sitzen

Kinderwagen freundlich





Erstellt von FATBOY
Routen Details
Aladdins magischer Rampenwanderweg (Dainohara Forest Park, Sendai City, Präfektur Miyagi) ist eine 5.1 km (7.500-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 79 m und wird mit beginner bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
Why do not you walk in nature? The sidewalk can be used for asphalt, concrete, soil, gravel, and various other situations, as well as moderate ups and downs, strengthening the cardiopulmonary function. There are various trees and flowers in every season. This route is fine for young and old men and women and dogs and cats. However, high heels are not suitable. Please walk in an appropriate way. There is also a Starbucks Taihara store nearby. There are quite a few side streets, but the roads are naturally bad. Be careful when walking, and there are quite a few snakes and bees. Please note that there is no escape. The toilet is not beautiful and there are 2 subway stations, so I think you should use it. A nice place to feel the four seasons. The toilets at Dainohara Subway Station have been recently renovated and are comfortable, accessible and with washlets. 自然の中を、あなたも歩いてみませんか? 歩道はアスファルト、コンクリート、土、砂利と様々なシュチュエーションが楽しめるほか、適度なアップダウンがあるため、心肺機能強化にもなります。四季折々に色々な樹木や花があります。老若男女、犬猫の類まで何でも大丈夫なルートです。但しハイヒールは向きません。それなりの格好で歩いてください。近くにはスターバックス台原店もあります。 脇道結構あるが、自然のままで結構道悪いんだね。歩くにはそれなりに注意ね、あと蛇さんや蜂さんも結構いらっしゃる。逃げ場無いから注意してください。トイレは綺麗とは言えず、地下鉄駅2箇所あるのでそこを使うといいと思う。四季を感じるいい場所よ。地下鉄台原駅はウォシュレット完備で最近新しくなりました。
Routen Details


5.1 km

Elevation Erhören

79 m


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