Routen Kanada OntarioOakville
Morrison Valley (leicht)

Oakville, Ontario, Kanada

Morrison Valley (leicht)

Länge4.7 km
Elevation Erhören129 m
Erstellt von Wendi
Routen Details
Morrison Valley (leicht) ist eine 4.7 km (6.500-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Oakville, Ontario, Kanada. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 129 m und wird mit fortgeschritten bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
Just a basic walk through the forest of Morrison Valley North and South. Some of the walk is behind houses but there are lots of times when you forget you're in a city. You'll also cross a big, open park. The trail is popular with runners and you might also encounter the odd cyclist. There is an incline at each end going in/out if the ravine (I think the northernmost one is more difficult?). Be careful crossing Upper Middle Road on the side without the crosswalk. Wear insect repellent when the weather is appropriate.
Routen Details


4.7 km

Elevation Erhören

129 m


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