Waihe’e Falls
Muddy stream bed to the falls
Not very big but a cool dip
Lots of moss and mushrooms
Routen Vereinigte Staaten HawaiiKāneʻohe
Waihe'e Falls

Kāneʻohe, Hawaii, Vereinigte Staaten

Waihe'e Falls

Länge7.2 km
Elevation Erhören302 m



Wilde Blumen







Erstellt von PacerCat
Routen Details
Waihe'e Falls ist eine 7.2 km (10.000-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Kāneʻohe, Hawaii, Vereinigte Staaten. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 302 m und wird mit schwierig bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
Waihe’e Falls shares the same initial path as Hamama Falls. Stay on the well marked and wide 4WD road or main trail to reach Hamama Falls at the end. It’s a nice easy access to a tall falls off the cliff. Not a lot of water but decent. Waihe’e Falls is off the beaten path and once it leaves the main road it is not for casual hikers. The trail is wet, muddy and in some spots steep. It is easy to miss a step and go a tumbling so do not try this if you are not prepared. This fall is a 3 stage fall will a good octopus like fall at the bottom, a cool dipping pool at the mid level and a spring coming out from the mountain side (man made thru blasting to get to the aquifer). These last sections are steep and slippery. The one thing that isn’t so good here is the fact that you will be eaten alive by the mosquitoes if not prepared!
Routen Details


7.2 km

Elevation Erhören

302 m


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