Morongo Valley, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten
Sand zu Schnee National Monument
Routen Details
Sand zu Schnee National Monument ist eine 0.9 km (1.000-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Morongo Valley, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 0 m und wird mit beginner bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
Enjoy an enchanting stream side walk under the canopy of Fremont cottonwoods and red willows. Boardwalks and bridges lead you along the stream that forms the marsh habitat which supports cattails, bulrushes, wire rushes, water cress and Yerba mamas. Travel along the base of the yucca Ridge and relax on the benches of the large octagon shaped George Helmkamp Deck. Skirt the foot of a desert mountain where scrub oak, Mojave. Yucca, cacti, Indian paintbrush and boulders painted with lichen hug the drier slopes above. From the comfort of the deck, observe a large outcropping of ancient gneiss that marks the face o the Morongo Valley fault.
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025