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Naturschutzgebiet Pijaral Integral walking route map in Anaga, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spanien
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walking near me on Naturschutzgebiet Pijaral Integral walking route
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Naturschutzgebiet Pijaral Integral
Anaga, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spanien

Naturschutzgebiet Pijaral Integral

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Länge6.9 km
Elevation Erhören245 m
Erstellt von Yvonne 🌞

Routen Details

Naturschutzgebiet Pijaral Integral ist eine 6.9 km (10.000-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Anaga, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spanien. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 245 m und wird mit fortgeschritten bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
The Path Pijaral is a a place where you can walk in the clouds😊 the other name of it is El Bosque Encantado and it really is so. To go there you need the permit from the site of Central de Riservas de Tenerife, if not the fine is 600 euro, and Yes, we were controlled for the reservation. The car park is small, but only 45 persons can get the permit each day, so no problem. The path goes inside the old forest and it is not very steep, then you arrive to the point la Cabeza del Tejo and from this place you can admire the rocky shore and the Villa of Benijo. You come back to the car park walking a wide path, then some steps up. One more thing, you have to decide 2 months before if you want to go there, the permit finish very fast😊
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Routen Details

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6.9 km
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Elevation Erhören

245 m
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Creator Avator
Erstellt von
Yvonne 🌞

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