Routen England London Borough of EnfieldChase

Chase, London Borough of Enfield, England


Länge5.4 km
Elevation Erhören50 m



Plätze zum sitzen




Historischer Ort


See oder Fluss

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Routen Details
Truthahnbach ist eine 5.4 km (8.000-stufige) Route in der Nähe von Chase, London Borough of Enfield, England. Diese Route hat einen Höhenunterschied von ca. 50 m und wird mit beginner bewertet. Weitere Routen dieser Art findest du in der Pacer-App.
Starting at the bridge over Turkey Brook on the pedestrian only part of Strayfield,Road, part of the London Loop, walk uphill to go under the railway bridge, continue past the pond to turn right at the top. Continue walking uphill, through the pedestrian gate, along Strayfield Road to St John the Baptist Anglican Church and turn right into Hilly Fields Park. Walk down hill to rejoin Turkey Brook at the bottom of the hill, walking beside the brook to cross over Clay Hill at the end by the Rose and Crown into Whitewebbs Park. Continue on the path to come to Forty Hall Park. Carry on walking by the river, past the fishing lakes to the right to cross over Forty Hill at Maiden’s Bridge. Continue all the way to the Great Cambridge Road, cross over using the footbridge and continue on the path past the pumping station to the crematorium entrance and the railway bridge.
Wegpunkte Liste


Wegpunkt 1

Start at the bridge over Turkey Brook on the London Loop

Wegpunkt 2

Turn right opposite the Anglican Church of St John the Baptist into Hilly Fields Park

Wegpunkt 3

Cross the road into Whitewebbs Park at the Rose and Crown pub

Wegpunkt 4

The fishing lakes of Forty Hall

Wegpunkt 5

Cross over Bulls Cross

Wegpunkt 6

Use the footbridge to cross over the Great Cambridge Road

Wegpunkt 7

Finish at the railway bridge


Routen Details


5.4 km

Elevation Erhören

50 m


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