Warming Up for Relay For Life - Step Challenge
Connect your phone to this app & track your steps leading up to Relay! Check the leaderboard daily to see who is moving most & to allow your tracker to update. The 3 top steppers at the end will win prizes! Let’s get healthy & make a difference
Please open this page on your phone to join
~or search this code in the Pacer App~
Challenge Code: BSR1368
05/12/2021 ~ 06/12/2021
Compete for the most steps. Maximum of 100000 steps per day.
Allowed activities: pedometer and GPS tracked walks, runs & hikes, treadmill sessions, and guided workout sessions. No manually input activities.
1st place - $300 Best Buy gift card; 2nd place - $200 Amazon gift card; 3rd place - $100 Indigo gift card. Please note that a $25 donation must be made on our WICC Relay For Life Team fundraising page (link below) in order to qualify for a prize
This year is the 25th Anniversary of WICC! Since its inception, WICC has contributed more than $17.5 million to Canadian Cancer Society. These funds are raised through WICC’s many events including golf tournaments, their annual gala, awards breakfast and, of course, Relay For Life. 100% of funds donated through WICC go directly to cancer research projects enabling ground breaking research into over 100 types of cancer.
Post achievements on social media with #wiccontario #relayforlife #whyirelay #relayathome #canadiancancersociety @cancersociety @wiccontario
Days Finished
What's a Virtual Challenge?

Virtual Challenges are a fun way to get active with your favorite community. Use the Pacer app to complete your challenge where and when you want.

How do I Participate?

No purchase or payment is necessary to participate. Just download the free Pacer app for your smartphone and follow the instructions below:

Tap the "Join" button above
If you have Pacer already, just tap the join button on this page to jump right in! If you don't have Pacer, you'll be asked to download it first.
Or Search "Challenge Code" within the Pacer app
① Copy the "Challenge Code".
Challenge Code
② Open or Download the Pacer App, and tap the search icon on the home page.
Please open this page on your phone to join