Find the best tone up & trim down walking clubs and get healthy together with club members worldwide with Pacer Walking App. Engage in discussion, participate in friendly competitions, and share your achievements and milestones with supportive club members. Join Pacer today to start your healthy journey with tone up & trim down walking clubs.
I'm an ex x-Ray tech that loves to ride my Triumph and walk with my white husky Elsa. Come join me in my journey to be fit and healthy! All it takes is one step at a time💪
This is for anyone especially those with illnesses that make it difficult to stay in shape and need that day to day encouragement and motivation to keep going day after day!
NRIVA MN chapter walkathon group.
Fitness Journey
Chạy Vui,Sống Khoẻ!
Нижегородская область и не только 😉
This daily steps group is all about staying active, motivating each other, and making every step count. Let’s keep moving and inspire each other along the way! ❤️🔥
Здоровая конкуренция
Move more, feel better
I invite you to the group where everyone try to fight laziness, but believe at the best and do not lose heart if it doesn’t work out😅👍 You’re best!🤗 Приглашаю в группу, где пытаются бороться с ленью, верят в лучшее и не унывают если не получилось 😅👍
Шагаем смело)👌👌👌
Winner gets N200,000 at end of month!! Boosting our fitness one step at a time!! Minimum steps per day of 12000!!! We will all contribute 10k each and the winner takes it all at the end of the month!!!
Адлер 😊
If I don’t walk and lose weight I’m gonna die 😂
Questo è un gruppo che ho creato da poco così possiamo divertirci anche a fare piccoli passi insieme grazie a tutti per essersi uniti
世間事,凡有一得必有一失,凡有一失必有一得。 人生就是一個不斷得到和失去的過程。 得到時,不要得意忘形、張狂失態;失去時,也不要悲觀沮喪、錙銖必較。 得失之間,需要細細品味和權衡。 擁有的,要珍惜,要知足; 得不到的,切勿不擇手段、一味奢求; 已經失去的,不要耿耿於懷,老是放不下。
Pacer is the best walking app for walking challenges and finding places to walk near me.