Find the best stress less walking clubs and get healthy together with club members worldwide with Pacer Walking App. Engage in discussion, participate in friendly competitions, and share your achievements and milestones with supportive club members. Join Pacer today to start your healthy journey with stress less walking clubs.
tra sole☀️ & mare 🌊 sentirsi liberi una bella emozione 😀
مجموعة تضم المشاركين في تحدي المشي مع مركز دارس الطبي للوصول الى هدف يومي للمشي وتحقيق هدف شهري
最低限のルールが守れない方は、俺の判断でご退出いただきます。 大人の部活動なので、最低限のルールが理解できる人のみお願いします。 最低一日1,000歩以上歩ける方対象とさせてください。全く動かない方は強制退会措置をさせていただきます。 We wait for the participation pure walk enthusiast. Those who don’t walk after joining will be withdrawn. Thank you.
Kelly, Art and Kat Challenge
Luqim walkers club
Marcher pour apprécier l'instant présent 👣
Pelo prazer de caminhar
A group of steppers
건강을 위하여 하루 만보쯤...
Hi Friends. I am very interesting to walk with all of you.
دوستان ورزشكار باشگاه انقلاب This is a group to see who is the most active on a day to day basis . See you on the red route ❤️
بناء مجتمع صحي
Apprenons à apprécier ces petits instants de la journée qui nous remplissent de bonheur plutôt que de se ronger a essayer de comprendre pourquoi le reste de la journée est souvent bien moins gaie. C’est comme ça que l’on commence à appréhender le bonheur.
Get in shape
J aime marcher cela me permet de me vider l esprit
Pacer Barcelona
Pacer is the best walking app for walking challenges and finding places to walk near me.