Find the best hiking clubs and get healthy together with club members worldwide with Pacer Walking App. Engage in discussion, participate in friendly competitions, and share your achievements and milestones with supportive club members. Join Pacer today to start your healthy journey with hiking clubs.
Healthy living
걷기를 좋아하고 열심히 하는 사람들
Need more steps for more Sharab
We can do it!!
Frog is running
A group based on daily walk activity to make every participant healthy located in Jinnah Park, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 🇵🇰
Marche à pieds et randonnée exclusivement, GPS obligatoire pour au moins 70% des distances parcourues, course, vélo, et vélo d’appart exclus du challenge. Tout le monde est à la même enseigne,la performance est jugée sur les mêmes critères.
Oligo Team challenges
Together we walk, run and hike. As we do, we improve health and fitness, and get in good shape. معاً نمشي ونركض ونتجول. عندئذٍ تتحسن صحتنا ولياقتنا البدنية ومظهرنا العام. يلّا نخطو...... Let's step
increase activity and health to climb Ben Nevis in October.
It not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop... (Confucius)
Kylam iš žiemos miego ir pasikraunam gerų emocijų renkant žingsnius
March Madness Step Challenge
Some of us need a boost every once in a while to understand getting out walking, hiking, cycling, etc is a requirement and we need to make time for it. Hopefully as a team we can push each other to get out and take care of ourselves.
Мы старались как могли и сделали этот ШАГ!!! Вперед ТОВАРИЩИ! Каждый день- это новый шанс сделать ШАГ!!!
Добро пожаловать!🤗 это группа, для любителей погулять на свежем воздухе. Также, очень жду конных любителей🐎🐎🤗🛹
Desafio: quem faz mais passos esta semana!
Healthy Body
Pacer is the best walking app for walking challenges and finding places to walk near me.